guinea baru bahasa Inggris
- That's an oil field that's barely been touched.
Sesuatu terjadi di Papua di Guinea Baru. - It is found in Australia, Papua New Guinea and Indonesia; additionally, it is vagrant in New Caledonia and New Zealand.
Ia ditemukan di Australia, Guinea Baru dan Indonesia; selain itu, ia adalah burung pengembara di Kaledonia Baru dan Selandia Baru. - Along Sumatra, Java, Borneo and the Philippines subspecies hypoleucus (sometimes considered a full species) includes the population wahgiensis described from New Guinea.
Sepanjang Sumatra, Jawa, Kalimantan dan subspesies Filipina hypoleucus (kadang-kadang dianggap sebagai spesies penuh) ditemukan sementara subspesies wahgiensis hanya terbatas pada Guinea Baru. - In this sense the islands of Great Britain and Ireland are part of Europe, while Australia and the island of New Guinea together form a continent.
Dalam pengertian ini, kepulauan Britania Raya dan Irlandia adalah bagian dari Eropa, dan Australia dan Guinea Baru secara bersama-sama membentuk satu benua. - His goal was to neutralize or capture the major Japanese base at Rabaul while also supporting the Allied New Guinea campaign, with the eventual goal of opening the way for the U.S. to retake the Philippines.
King bertujuan menetralisir atau merebut pangkalan utama Jepang di Rabaul sambil mendukung kampanye Sekutu di Guinea Baru, dengan tujuan akhir membuka jalan bagi Amerika Serikat merebut kembali Filipina. - Hyakutake, with the concurrence of General Headquarters, ordered his troops on New Guinea who were within 30 miles (48 km) of their objective of Port Moresby to withdraw until the "Guadalcanal matter" was resolved.
Setelah mendapat persetujuan Markas Umum, Hyakutake memerintahkan pasukannya di Guinea Baru yang sudah berada 30 mil (48 km) dari sasaran mereka di Port Moresby untuk mundur hingga "masalah Guadalkanal" terselesaikan. - The Japanese were aware, via signals intelligence, of the large-scale movement of Allied forces in the South Pacific area but concluded that the Allies were reinforcing Australia and perhaps Port Moresby in New Guinea.
Jepang sudah mengetahui dari intelijen sinyal tentang adanya pergerakan skala besar kekuatan Sekutu di wilayah Pasifik Selatan, tetapi menyimpulkan bahwa Sekutu sedang memperkuat Australia dan mungkin Port Moresby di Guinea Baru. - Hyakutake realized that in order to send sufficient troops and matériel to defeat the Allied forces on Guadalcanal, he could not at the same time support the major ongoing Japanese offensive on the Kokoda Track in New Guinea.
Hyakutake menyadari bahwa usaha pengiriman cukup pasukan dan materiil untuk mengalahkan Sekutu di Guadalkanal tidak dapat dilakukan bersamaan dengan usahanya mendukung ofensif Jepang yang sedang dilancarkan melalui Jalur Kokoda di Guinea Baru. - In this sense the term continental Europe (sometimes referred to in Britain as "the Continent") is used to refer to mainland Europe, excluding islands such as Great Britain, Ireland, Malta and Iceland, and the term continent of Australia may refer to the mainland of Australia, excluding Tasmania and New Guinea.
Dalam pengertian ini, istilah Eropa kontinental merujuk pada daratan Eropa, tidak termasuk pulau-pulau seperti Britania Raya, Irlandia, Malta, dan Islandia, dan istilah benua Australia merujuk pada daratan Australia, tidak termasuk Tasmania dan Guinea Baru. - Vice Admiral Shigeyoshi Inoue—commander of the Japanese 4th Fleet (also called the "South Seas Force") consisting of most of the naval units in the South Pacific area—advocated the seizing of Lae, Salamaua, and Port Moresby in New Guinea and Tulagi in the Solomon Islands.
Komandan Armada IV Jepang Laksamana Madya Shigeyoshi Inoue (juga disebut Angkatan Laut Selatan) yang membawahi sebagian besar unit angkatan laut di wilayah Pasifik Selatan, menyarankan agar direbutnya Lae, Salamaua, dan Port Moresby di Guinea Baru, serta Tulagi di Kepulauan Solomon.